Address by Guy Ryder ITUC General Secretary TCO
Bara övergång - Just Transition -
• World Bank is planning research, trainings, technical advice. Some of this could duplicate or undermine other programmes in an increasingly crowded field on just transition Global Shifts and Just Transitions. 27 November 2018 • ITUC call for dialogue - a just transition – ahead of Paris UNFCCC 2015: Call for Dialogue: Climate action requires just transition - International Trade Union Confederation. News and opinion. Follow us. Join the conversation. 5 pillars of Just Transition The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has identified the following policies to give the term a practical implementation: Social dialogue– Consultation between trade unions, employers, governments and other stakeholders and communities.
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20,670 likes · 235 talking about this · 268 were here. The ITUC is the global voice of the world's working people. just transition processes. The cities’ just transition commitments will cover the impacts, both positive and negative, of their very ambitious climate targets.
A New Social Contract for Recovery and Resilience.
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ITUC Just Transition Global Shifts - Just Transitions “If we imagine the future where no one is left behind, where we act on the call of our children who have taken to the streets in fear and frustration, where people and their communities are well served by inclusive economies, we can build it together,” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow in her speech to the UN Climate Action Summit. 2018-11-30 The international trade union movement has called for a ‘just transition’ to a greener economy, where new jobs that are just as good in terms of pay, skills, pensions and … G7 Labour Ministers are meeting in Turin (29 September – 1 October) to address the Future of Work as global anxieties about jobs and rising inequality between the one per cent richest people and the rest of the population continue to grow. The 2017 ITUC Global Poll found 74 per cent of people worry about inequality and 73 per cent of people worry about losing their jobs. “People are Those changes have to be managed to ensure a socially just transition.
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The Just Transition Centre is an initiative from ITUC and the European Trade Union Confederation that helps unions and their allies get concrete plans for just transition at different levels. So just transition became a more holistic approach encompassing both the need to end the extractive economy and a vision for healthy, thriving, and connected local economies in its place – a view that included, like the original just transition definition did, the needs of workers and impacted communities in the transition. PERC Regional Meeting “Occupational Health and Safety priorities and obstacles in the Balkan countries from the view of social partners; just transition for climate ambition” A meeting of OHS experts from the Western Balkan trade unions was held on 6-7 November 2019 in Igalo, within the regular activities of PERC Programme and Projects, with the financial support of Swedish trade unions Global Shifts and Just Transitions. 27 November 2018 • ITUC Frontlines Report: Just transition – where are we now and what’s next? Just Transition - Where are we now and what’s next? A Guide to National Policies and International Climate Governance - International Trade Union Confederation. Just Transition NOW! Ethical Markets November 22, 2010 Green Prosperity Brussels, 22 November 2010 (ITUC OnLine): In less than a week, negotiations around climate change will recommence, aiming at reviving the shaky flame left by the disappointing meeting in Copenhagen last year.
INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION (ITUC) –UNFCCC Response Measures Forum –In session workshop –November 2012 –Doha, Qatar Just Transition within the UNFCCC 1. The rationale for a Just Transition of the workforce 2. Components of a Just Transition 3. What can be done internationally by the UNFCCC
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Full employment remains a goal of the union movement and no compromise will be accepted on the Universal Labour Guarantee. Just Transition measures are vital to realise these shifts. The ITUC’s Global Shifts – Just Transitions pillar is broken down into two thematic areas: Climate, Future of Work. The ITUC has published Role of social protection in a just transition, November 2018 Community stability – Local economic diversification plans that support decent work and provide community stability in the transition. History & Context. Just Transition strategies were first forged by labor unions and environmental justice groups, rooted in low-income communities of color, who saw the need to phase out the industries that were harming workers, community health and the planet; and at the same time provide just pathways for workers to transition to other jobs.
En rättvis klimatomställning innebär ett spann av åtgärder för att säkra arbetstagares rättigheter och anständiga arbeten när industrier och arbetsmarknader ställer om och blir klimatvänliga och miljömässigt hållbara. ITUC Demands for a just transition. A just transition will: * respect the contribution that workers in fossil fuel industries have made to today’s prosperity and pro-vide income support, retraining, redeployment and secure pensions for older workers; * recognise that investing in community renewal is
Just Transition and the ITUC The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) unites national trade union central organizations under a single umbrella, and through them represents some 107 million workers in 163 countries. In 2018, at its fourth World Congress, the ITUC endorsed several references to the need for a Just Transition:
• ITUC & ITUC Just Transition Centre advocating for tripartite decision-making taskforces to be a pillar of the work. • World Bank is planning research, trainings, technical advice.
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Hon är chef för Just transition centre som startades för tre år sedan av världsfacket ITUC för att samla fack, organisationer, företag och länder i även en viktig roll i att främja en rättvis omställning (just transition) av arbetstillfällen i en Ex på texter om migrerande arbetstagare nedan (från ITUC, ituc-. Post & Log. sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean · Building Trade Union Capacities and Quality Public Services for a Just Transition to Climate Change Enligt världsfacket ITUC har fackförbunden 207 miljoner medlemmar En ”Just Transition” visar att en rättvis omställning inte bara är möjlig Ituc skisserar ett program för en rättvis övergång, just transition, till gröna jobb. Stora förändringar av våra samhällen är nödvändiga för att ning (just transition) handlar vidare om fler decent jobs, det vill litteraturen om just transition räknas (se till exempel tionen) och ITUC (Internationella fackliga. Not only to address the challenges and dilemmas inherent in climate change. Michał Kurtyka – Can Poland balance coal and wind in a just transition?
Climate Change A Just Transition means that no one will be left behind. ITUC (2015), “Climate Justice: There are no jobs on a dead planet”
9 Dec 2019 ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation, Director of the Just Transition Centre Norway. Frederik Moch DGB - German Trade Union
21 Jan 2020 The concept of “just transition” is not new. Its essence has [3] International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) website: Just Transition Centre,
31 May 2018 In recent years, the topic of “just transition” has been gaining growing ITUC and partners, including the 2017 'Just Transition: A Report for the
The initiative is being delivered in partnership with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the International Trade. Union Confederation (ITUC). The
3.1 ILO Support for a Just Transition ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) (2017) Just Transition – Where Are We Now and What's Next?
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10 A recent mapping of green jobs in Mongolia found that employment in the production of environmental outputs grew by 6.3 per cent between 2014 and Global Shifts and Just Transitions. 27 November 2018 • ITUC Frontlines Report: Just transition – where are we now and what’s next? Just Transition “just another transition” that affects workplaces and livelihoods. It needs dedicated and holistic policy approaches. In the trade union movement, it was the forerunner of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) that in 1997 included just transition in its statement to the Kyoto Conference. In 1998, the term was mentioned in 2 2 ITUC, Brussels, Belgium. 20,680 likes · 225 talking about this · 268 were here.
Klimatet och rättvisan - Globalarkivet
Its essence has [3] International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) website: Just Transition Centre, 31 May 2018 In recent years, the topic of “just transition” has been gaining growing ITUC and partners, including the 2017 'Just Transition: A Report for the The initiative is being delivered in partnership with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the International Trade. Union Confederation (ITUC). The 3.1 ILO Support for a Just Transition ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) (2017) Just Transition – Where Are We Now and What's Next? A Guide to 26 May 2020 The 'just transition' is frequently used to refer to a framework for a transition to a low-carbon economy that takes into account the associated The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is the global voice of the world's working people.
The ITUC is the global voice of the world's working people.